Sponsorship | "Solving the Housing Crisis: A Regional Summit on Equitable Solutions"
Updated: Jul 13, 2023
Z Group Architects is proud to sponsor the Solving the Housing Crisis event in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity; Roaring Fork Valley, Atlantic, and many other community businesses. Principal, Scott McHale, attended the all day event with Director of Business Operations, Brittany Biebl.
The housing crisis is a hot topic all over the world, particularly in our Roaring Fork Valley, where the cost of living is high and the availability of affordable housing is low. The Solving the Housing Crisis event was a way for local community businesses and government entities to come together to discuss equitable solutions to this very real problem.
It was an inspirational event filled with guest speakers and industry leaders, all present for our Roaring Fork Valley community and citizens. It was an honor to participate in this educational and solutions focused collaboration. Check out the line up for the event: